Last night we went with friends to an OKC Thunder game to do a late cele of DH's Bday. The game was fun to watch but it was more fun to critique all the activities surrounding the sport with my girlfriend. And I think the boys had fun critiquing us. For example:
(1) How miserable must those players be to move from Seattle to Oklahoma. That must really suck. And they haven't won, like, any of their games. We can't feel too sorry for them, though. They must make like 7 million dollars a year. *Cue discussion of what we would do with $7,000,000/year*
(2) Our (Thunder) warm-up outfits are way cuter than the Cav's.
(3) WTF are they thinking running out of corn dogs before half time?
(4) That's not even the worst of it. They can't even dispel the correct beer.
(5) Our men must like those shiny santa outfits the cheerleaders are sporting. *snicker*(Yes, we dressed up. Alike. We're dorks like that)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Let the Thunder roll
Posted by Brittany at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tonight is the long-awaited Christmas/Birthday date night we've been planning with good friends B&R. Speaking of Christmas presents, I'm almost done! Now it's just the wrapping (I can't lie, I love it) and the giving (my favorite part). There are a couple I'm particularly excited about giving (Shawna if you're reading this, I give you a *squeal*).
Last night was my work holiday party. DH came along and actually won an OU National Championship t-shirt in Dirty Santa which made the night awfully LESS painful. I took a cheese ball (one of three that showed up) and overall the night was a smash.
Posted by Brittany at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tacky holiday sweater? Check.
I love a bad holiday sweater. So does my mother in law. And I especially love when I can design my own (the tackier the better!). Check out this website. Choose your sweater, then add your own "flair". Can you make one tackier than mine?
Posted by Brittany at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2 Weeks
Christmas is two weeks from today, ya'll! I got a jump start on wrapping last night. I'm supper excited about some of the gifts I'm giving this year (mixed with my inability to keep a secret we're in trouble.)
Lots of stuff has been going on. I'm back in OK for the rest of the month which is so, so awesome. The husband has the time off so I'm planning to log in some quality time with him.
We went to Kansas City last weekend for the OU game (woot woot!) so I'll post pics of that asap.
Posted by Brittany at 3:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Just call me Gimp
Not much going on. I just threw my back out at work so I'm home on bed rest for a couple of days. Again. For the second time in 5 months. Joy.
So, allow me to leave you with something that brought me a giggle...
Posted by Brittany at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
New Quote I'm Liking
My fav new quote, thought I'd share:
"Be yourself, because everybody else is taken."
Posted by Brittany at 2:10 AM 0 comments
Seattle, Take Two
I feel like this blog is turning into a travel journal. Not sure how that happened but I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm always going-going-gone. DH and I had a great time spending my birthday in Denver. Not quite as nice as it would have been to be at home, but a very close second. We even saw Pauly Shore while we were in town. Seems like a really cool guy, and duh, super funny too.
After Denver I jetted off to Seattle. Again. And it's not my last time here. I finally got to see the mountain (isn't it actually a volcano?) Ranier. It's so breathtaking.
Wouldn't it be cool to look at that everyday?
I was also told that I *had* to check out the famous Pike's Market in downtown Seattle while I was here and had some free time. It's this really cool indoor/outdoor market that sells everything. Literally everything: fresh produce, fish (obvs), handmade stuff and total random junk and food. It's unlike anything I've seen before.
Hey.. Didn't I see that guy on Worlds Deadliest Catch..?
Now I'm off to spend some down time at home (parent's home) in Kansas City for Thanksgiving.
Should be a real treat!
Posted by Brittany at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Overdue Halloween
I finally dumped pics off of my camera and realized I forgot to post pics of us carving punkins at Halloween...
We brought out the big knives for this job.
Then, DH got out the electric drill (any excuse to use a power tool).
The big ta-daa
Posted by Brittany at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Today we drove 100 miles to Vail, CO. It's a little ski town, but it was pretty much dead because it ain't ski season yet. We were okay with that. It was super low key.
Last night, DH ordered me a cake (Red Velvet: my fav)
Posted by Brittany at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
It's my BARFDAY, Ya'll!!
I'm sooo quarter century now! Woot! 25! I'm in Denver for work but I've already done all my work and now I'm just waiting for my Hubster to arrive so we can paint the town red. When I flew in yesterday it was warm and sunny here but I woke up this morning to SNOW. Lots of it! Big white puffy flakes everywhere. Now that's a great birthday surprise.Two things to note about the above pic:
(1) I left so early in the morning it was dark. I'm that dedicated. *wink*
(2) My freaking rental car in Colorado has Oklahoma plates on it. Bizarre.
I did my worky stuffs and then came back to the hotel and look what was waiting for me. The most gorg bunch of flowers I've laid my sights on in a long while. From my BFF!! I'm one lucky 25 year old :)
Now I'm off to cook up some adventures for a great weekend in Denver. I'll keep 'ya posted!
Posted by Brittany at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
DH and I both had dentist appointmentsts today. *screams* Let's just say his are worse than mine ;-)
Posted by Brittany at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Bicoastal Babe
Now I'm back from a week long trip. I was literally bicoastal, going from Seattle to North Carolina. Both states I've never visited before (Gawd, I love my job!) and both absolutely stunning.
It was too cloudy in Seattle to see "the mountain", which is what they call Ranier but I still saw other mountains and the gorgeous trees. And, true to form it rained. The. Entire. Time. Well, until we boarded the plan. Then it stopped.
North Carolina was warm (almost 80 degrees!!) and the people are supa-dupa friendly. I also saw a cotton plantation. Who knew those existed outside of Georgia? Cotton plants actually look like white flowers from far away.DH picked me up from the airport and told me he had a surprise at home for me because it was officially 1 week before my birthday. We grabbed lunch and when we got home he told me he had hidden little presents all over our living room: "like Easter". So fun! Check it out:
"I Love You Cherry Much" t-shirt...Nail polishes...
Something to exercise my mind...
A "construction zone" for my desk at work ;-)...
Homemade doggie treat kit...
... and more stuff I'm probably forgetting.
We also have a new obsession. We've been reading the book Twilight before bed. Together. Yep, just like old people. Sooo good!
Posted by Brittany at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Early BDay
Yesterday I got back home from yet another work trip (guys, it's coooold in Indiana!). Plus, DH is back from his month-long stint as doc-in-training. To celebrate being under the same roof again he gave me an early BDay present I've been *really* wanting. A Wii Fit! I've been very eager to get back into working out since I broke my hip, but I'm not sure how to get started again. My flexibility is shot. So I think this is a brilliant way for me to ease back into a regular fitness plan.
Posted by Brittany at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Freebie Time!
I'm playing hookie from work today, lounging around in my robe, sleeping with my doggie and catching up on my programs that have been holding on TiVO. I'm also surfing the net and I've come across some freebies that you may love (go pamper yourself!)
Posted by Brittany at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I'm loving this new Beyonce video. Eek, I wish I could boogie like that!!
Posted by Brittany at 9:58 PM 0 comments
It Begins
DH has submitted his application for residency. I think it's starting to sink in to both of us that in a little over 7 months he will *finally* have his M.D. 'Course, my family has already begun the medical questions bombardment each time they see him. My grandma cuts pictures of random medications out of magazines and brings them over to ask DH's opinion. He's literally getting questioned about cholesterol, diaper rash and ring worm (all these from last weekend alone). For the time being, he's applied to 10 programs (2 in Kansas City and 1 in Oklahoma City) and he's already been offered an interview at Oklahoma. We're going to have to start making some of those tough decisions soon. Where do we want to live (and potentially start a family - *gasp*) for the next 4 years?
You know what I'm looking forward to this week? D-A-L-L-A-S. Friday I'm driving down and my mom and her BFF are flying down to meet me for a girls weekend. Yes, I'll be hanging out with two ladies twice my age. They're a hoot though, and I'm so looking forward to it.
Posted by Brittany at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Better Half's B-Day
Back in Oklahoma (for a couple more hours) until I'm off again for work.
Ohio was so pretty. The leaves are already changing and it's very chilly!!
Yesterday was DH's birthday! We both had the day off so we slept in and generally lazed around all day.
The night before we met up with the in-laws for dinner and to drop off the dog. They're going to babysit the pooch for a month while DH is away and I'm traveling.DH had opened his presents early.
*shake* what is this??
Last night we went to a burger joint and saw My Best Friend's Girl.
Love you hon!
Posted by Brittany at 10:53 AM 1 comments