I'm baking some banana bread right now so I have time to whip up a quick post! My reeeeally good friend Jill and her hubs just bought a house so I'm baking some banana bread as part of her housewarming present. I make a MEAN banana bread (secret ingredient: buttermilk *wink*).
Friday is usually Joe and my "date night" but we usually have to plan for him to be about falling asleep around 9:30pm! Ha! But tonight I made dinner at home and we spontaneously decided to take a drive afterwards with Boomer. I think he can die happy now ;-)Are you looking for a good deal on table linens? I found a GREAT sale today at Dillards and I just have to share. A LOT of their table runners, tablecloths, placemats and cloth napkins were on sale + 40% off today. I think tables look kind of lonely when they're not set - so I got some goodies today. Joe called this my "table scape" (you have to watch Sandra Lee from the Cooking Network to get the joke). I gotta find some old silverware to put out now...
Those plates are just old English china I found at thrift stores and garage sales. Seriously, for a buck or two and I've got white china coming out of my ears!
We are going up "north" a couple hours to help Jill and Michael move. I can't wait to see their new nest! Don't you hate moving? Having friends help you makes it bearable.
Oh, and please watch this video. I love cool old people and I want to be like this when I'm old:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Going Bananas
Posted by Brittany at 10:02 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! We have a winner for the book-chocolate-starbucks giveaway. See for yourself...

Please email me at brittany-engineer@ou.edu and I'll get your winnings to you asap :)
Posted by Brittany at 6:45 PM 2 comments
I am SO excited because Melissa just gave me a blogger award! You'd think I had just won an Oscar or the Nobel, but this blog award is my very first! Thank you Melissa!! I still can't believe anyone besides my best friends and my husband read this blog. Haha! So, here it is. Smashing, huh?Now I get to pass it on!
First, I would love to bestow this award onto ANNIE. I *just* found her blog, like, 2 days ago but I am completely UB-sessed with her. (please don't think I'm a stalker!). She's hilarious and her hubby is a resident too. Oh, and she's from Oklahoma. See.. I love her!
Also, KRISTEN, I noticed you have just about every award but this one ;-) She is the cutest person and she just celebrated her 1 year wedding anniversary - woo hoo!!
Finally, ERIN, who I've known since we were "Knot buddies" in 2006 when we were both getting married. Erin graduated Med School the year before Joe and I think she is just such an inspirational person. Go, now. Read her blog. You'll be hooked on her journey like I am.
Now... can I summarize my life in bullet points? It feels like a bullet point kinda day...
- I almost burnt our house down today trying to make a fabulous dinner. AND, have you ever had to take the skin off of raw chicken parts for a recipe? I was dry-heaving over the sink and Joe just about died laughing. We ended up having dinner at Mr. Goodcents. (oops)
- I submitted my resume for a new job today. If you haven't noticed, I travel A LOT for work now and I'm thinking eventually I'd like to put away the suitcases and be more settled. I love my job now though, so a new one would have to be even cooler. And I don't know if that's possible...
- Joe has never seen Father of the Bride II - yes I KNOW, crazy! So, we Netflixed and watched it before bed tonight. It's a classic :)
Please go visit Melissa's blog - she is in Ireland right now (are you sure you don't need any company over there?!) and her life is anything but ordinary - and all around extraordinary.
Posted by Brittany at 12:34 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Joe just got home from a 28 hour shift. That is, 28 hours without a break (besides bathroom!) and without sleeping. It ain't all glamorous, folks!
Are you ready for Fall to come? Because I am SO ready. Yesterday, I found all my "Fall Decorating" tubs in the garage. Oh Holy Goodness Mother of Mary! I don't know how much longer I can wait to get everything out. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday to decorate for. Do you decorate for Halloween or just the big holidays like Christmas?? Last year Joe used a power tool to carve our pumpkin.This year, I think we'll do something like this instead...
Isn't that awesome??
Maybe I'll make some of these (we couldn't get through a whole blog post without food could we??)
As always, don't forget to go HERE to sign up for my bloggy giveaway :)
Posted by Brittany at 12:39 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Weekend Wrap-up
The weekend is over. *sad face*
The best thing I did this weekend was go to Hobby Lobby. Do you know (and can you imagine) I used to hate Hobby Lobby? Boy has that changed! I could spend a fortune in there now! While I was there I made sure to get some plate hangers. I've been meaning to do something with this sliver of a wall I have between the windows in my dining room. It's too skinny for a picture, but I think you'd agree it needs something.
Joe and I watched The Reader this weekend. I thought Kate Winslet did a great job and I actually loved the movie! Did you see it?
If you haven't already, don't forget to go HERE to sign up for my giveaway. Winner will be chosen Thursday!!
Posted by Brittany at 9:34 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I found something that I can't live without.... Le Creuset in the color CARIBBEAN!! Did you know they made this color???
The only color I've seen (usually in Williams Sonoma) is the red. And while I think it's nice... I'm not a huge fan.However, I LOVE anything turquoise! My mom and I joke that it's my "signature color" because when we're shopping I'm always drawn to anything turquoise, like a deer to a bright light! Haha! I probably have turquoise in every room of my house.
Oh, caribbean, how I love you. Let me count the ways...
Posted by Brittany at 1:20 PM 6 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Fantasy Baby Shower
It's time for the weekly "Show Us Your Life" tour with Kelly's Korner blog. Today's theme is BABY SHOWERS!
Since I haven't had a baby shower of my own (yet! ;-), I will show you my ultimate fantasy baby shower. I have been collecting pictures of fun baby showers in a little folder on my computer - do you do that? I have nursery inspiration picturess too, and baby announcement ideas, and ohhh could I go onnnn. But I wont. Haha!
I'm thinking a moroccan theme. Unique, no?The invitation would feature gold scroll work along the border to set the theme.
We could have it outside under a canopy of flowing fabrics. We will all sit around on cushy chairs and pillows. Although, I don't know if I could sit on a pillow being pregnant and all ;-)
For decoration, we'd have lanterns and jewels and lots of fresh flowers in bright colors.
For food, we'd have a spread of goodies. The table would be adorned with paper lanterns. And yes, there would have to be a chocolate fountain!! Haha!
We would have tea and punch out of etched glasses to carry the theme through.
For dessert, we would have a lovely 3-layer strawberry cake like Martha made here.
And, for entertainment, we could have my pregnant belly painted with henna. (I'm sure I can hear my grandma screaming now at the thought of how indecent this would be!). And, since this is a fantasy, my belly would look perfect, just like this picture. No stretch marks. A woman can dream!! Haha!
Thanks for visiting! Stop HERE to enter in my GIVEAWAY if you'd like :)
Posted by Brittany at 3:33 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I can't believe I'm about to do a post on Almond Bark but one of my commenters said that she HAD NEVER HEARD OF IT! I about came unglued! Is Almond Bark a regional thing? If you're from somewhere *other* than the Midwest or South, do you know what it is - please comment!? We typically use it to cover pretzels or as another blog follower said, to cover Ritz crackers and peanut butter. (thanks for reminding me of that recipe by the way! it used to be one of my favs!!)
So.. let me show you a picture of something I was thinking about serving at this engagement party I'm hosting...And for this... you would need Almond Bark :) Do you see where I'm going now??
And, just because it's pretty, I'll show you another "inspiration" picture I'm working with for this party. (Rach, if you're reading this, I'm sorry to be spoiling some of the surprise!)
Tonight is my last night in Raleigh. I really hope I can come back soon because I love it here and I love all those southern accents!! My co-workers and I were at Schlotzkeys for lunch today and I swear, I could barely understand our poor server :)
Joe will be on call and working all weekend so I'm going to have to come up with some recipes or decorating to keep me entertained. Haha!
Dont forget to become a follower so I can enter you in the giveaway I started in the last post!! Should I add some Almond Bark to the loot? ;-)
Posted by Brittany at 6:38 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Shopping & A GIVEAWAY!
When I'm on location for work I like to take some time to pretend like I'm on vacation. Yes, vacation a-l-o-n-e, but vacation nonetheless. Would you ever take a vacation alone? Today, in the spirit of being on holiday (as those Brits would say!) I did a little shopping and relaxed with a book. If you are looking for a good book, I beg of you, please go get The Help. I am loving it! So much better than Time Traveler's Wife even (which seems to be the book all my friends are reading)!
I stopped in an antique store and found a couple goodies that I just have to share! I am always on the look-out for "his" and "hers" pillowcases. Don't these seem too fun to have on your bed??
And I've always seen old postcards in antique stores but I've never bought any. Until now! I read the back of this one and almost peed my pants!
I'd love to get a postcard that said that! Haha!
I was also doing some virtual shopping and found something I can't (or I refuse) to live without.
I don't have a punch bowl and I'm planning to host several parties in the future so I thought this was very chic! Don't you think this is more festive than a regular old punch bowl?
One of my new favorite blog friends stopped made a comment yesterday and I'm SO glad. I just realized I had wiped out the spot for others to follow my blog when I did my big facelift a while back.
SO... If you're reading this - PLEASE become a follower!! How about if I sweeten the deal?
Next week I will draw the name of one of my new followers (over to the right you'll see what to do!) to receive the following in a care package from yours truly... Ta da!!!
1. You get ONE entry for becoming a follower
2. You get TWO entries for becoming a follower & posting about this giveaway on your own blog
Leave a comment and tell me what you did :) Good luck!!
Posted by Brittany at 7:03 PM 24 comments
Labels: our home
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm in the great state of North Carolina today - I flew in just a few hours ago for an assignment for work. Ya'll, it's sunny and warm here and I'm so glad because I'm tired of the rain we've been having in Kansas!!I'm here for four days and I plan to FILL UP on some good southern sweet tea while I'm here!
I'm also working an idea around in my head. I'm trying to come up with a fun dessert idea to go along with cupcakes I'm making for my friend's engagement party I'm throwing in a few weeks. The theme will be kind of a nice backyard bar-b-q. I'm fixing some really cute cupcakes instead of an old-fashioned cake and I want something else too. I roamed the aisles at the supermarket last night... I picked up sprinkles and almond bark. You can't go wrong with those two, right?
Posted by Brittany at 6:34 PM 10 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Garage Sales and Golf...
I wanted to join in Southern Hospitality's carnival to show weekend garage sale and thrift store goodies. I am so NOT ashamed to admit I LOVE garage sales! It's probably the thrill of the hunt more than anything! On Friday afternoon I had time to stop at two little garage sales right by my house and I found some good stuff!!
Hope you had a good weekend!
Posted by Brittany at 1:54 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Date Night
Yesterday Joe and I stayed in our pajamas until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He didn't have to go in to work and I had nothing to do but relax and pick up the house. We planned all day to have a date night to see The Time Traveler's Wife, since I had just read and finished the book.
The movie was good, I'd give it a B+. Do you not think Rachel McAdams is beautiful??I didn't like Eric Bana as Henry, and for some reason I didn't think he and Rachel McAdams had very good chemistry. Oh well - it was fun to get to the movies! Joe and I used to go to the movies AT LEAST once a week - sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. This is only the second movie we've seen in the last couple of months.
After the movie we went to Borders so I could get a few more books. I love, love going to the bookstore. I usually load Joe's arms up with a huge stack then I have to narrow them down to a couple so I don't break the bank!
Then, we went to Starbucks and headed home. Now isn't that just about the best date night ever?
Posted by Brittany at 9:32 AM 2 comments