Howdy y'all!! I'm wrapping up my work trip in Louisiana and can I just tell you - I'm READY to be home! I love the deep South and traveling here but I'm in such a small town that I have experienced being practically off the grid for a week and a half now. No phone service and spotty internet!! Oh how I've missed you, my dear internets!!
And I'm sick of living out of this sloppy suitcase.
I have been working insane hours and I had a couple long and stressful days (like 12 hour days without even a lunch break!!). So guess what my dear hubby sent me? Flowers to my hotel room!! Aren't they cute?? I really wish I could take them home with me.

I've been working so much that I haven't been able to pig out on good southern food like I wanted. I HAVE had some good ole sweet tea that rivals my moms!! Someone recommended that I try this hole in the wall Mexican restaurant and I had the BEST quesadilla I've ever had.
And you should know that I'm a card carrying quesadilla connoisseur.
Say that four times fast.

I've also read two full books while I've been here (that's what happens when you don't have access to the outside world!! ha!)
Both of these were good but I would definitely recommend The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. It's like a fabulous combination of Harry Potter and Nancy Drew.
Happy Tuesday!!