Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dental Assistant

Today was a big day of doctor appointments for us. We had Landon's nine month well-baby appointment at the pediatrician and then I had a dentist appointment. Of course, I forgot to take any pictures at the doctor. The good news is there were no shots this time! Someone forgot to tell Landon because he was a grump the entire time. I think he was waiting for the nurse to come in with her tray of needles! Ha!!

We waited so long to see the dentist that Joe had to go back to work instead of watch Landon in the waiting room like we planned. Luckily a nurse held Landon for part of the time I was having my teeth cleaned but eventually she had a patient come so I ended up holding Landon on my lap while my hygienist finished. Landon must have thought she was doing it wrong though because he kept reaching in my mouth and grabbing the instruments to help or trying to scrape the polish off my teeth. Hah! I took this picture when the nurse ran out to get our new toothbrush. I still have the paper drape over me. I felt like supermom because I managed to keep him in my lap and happy while simultaneously getting a dental exam!
They gave us a new toothbrush for Landon and you can see he loves it! I think he might be a dentist when he grows up??
Happy (Clean Teeth) Thursday!



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