Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jersey Boys

Last Friday night Joe and I went on a date to see Jersey Boys! He had gotten me tickets for my birthday in November and I have been anxiously counting down the days to go. I think this was the first time we had hired a babysitter to go out to dinner and a show EVER that didn't include a work event for Joe!

We went to a steakhouse for dinner and had an awesome meal! We kind of didn't know what to do with ourselves without having a toddler to occupy/feed/entertain/chase - please tell me I'm not alone here?! Hah!
We had second row seats to the show and we sat in between two older couples. It just cracked me up - I realized they probably remember when the Jersey Boys were putting records out!
We had such a fun night! If you ever get the chance to see this show, do it!

Oh What a Night it was! ;-)


davita said...

I love musicals!! My friend took me to see the Jersey Boys in KC. It was great!!

Faulkner's Ranch said...

Seriously - so jealous! When I performed at Worlds of Fun we did a Jersey Boys set and it was my favorite! The music is just awesome. I've heard from all of my theatre geeks that the stage show is fantastic. Hopefully we'll get to catch it sometime!


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