Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day of MDO

I'm so excited for Landon because he is doing Mother's Day Out again this year and yesterday was his first day. It happens to be at the church we've found and been going to since July so I'm excited that he will have consistency from Sunday to the weekdays of MDO. One of the things I was most dreading about moving was finding a new MDO and church and we've easily transitioned to a great place for both that's really close to our house!

This year he is going two days a week for 5 hours each. The program follows a Christian curriculum and he has two really special teachers. Most of all, I think these programs are perfect for giving kids who normally stay-at-home a chance to be in a structured "school" setting where they are learning to interact with other kids and teachers other than Mom! ;-)
One of the things I was most worried about was that they have the kids nap on a nap mat on the floor. I was so flustered that Landon wouldn't stay down, wouldn't understand to be quiet, etc. but we did a lot of pretend play on his nap mat beforehand so he would hopefully understand what to do! Evidently he laid right down and went to sleep yesterday!!
I was so excited to pick him up at the end of the day and see what kind of projects he worked on. It is so hard to think that he won't be with me every single day but I could tell he was proud to be learning to be away from me independently!
What a difference a year makes!



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