Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to work

Joe went back to work last Thursday. He had Friday off. So today was my second day being "alone" with both kids! I  have been working on my juggling act! I have been trying to have a new activity set up for Landon when I'm sitting down to nurse (so he doesn't tear the house down while I'm preoccupied - hah!). We also changed our nap routine a little bit. But other than that we are getting back into our old schedule. I'm tired but it's feeling manageable right now! :) This little lady just gets sweeter by the day. I am obsessed with her eyes - you can't tell in this picture but right now they are the most gorgeous blue-green color.

Joe and I watched about 1/2 of the Downton Abbey season premiere last night! It was worth staying up for!! :)
Tonight is Monday night. Did you know that every Monday night you can get family platters of Johnny Carino's best meals for 1/2 off? It ends up being about $16 to feed our family which includes salads and bread too - and we always have leftovers. We do carry out at Johnny Carinos every single Monday night and it's nice to not ever have to worry about fixing a meal the first day into the work week!

Happy Monday!



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