Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mama Websites

I have found several really unique and good sites (for random things) lately that I wanted to share with you. I love stumbling across a good site and I usually bookmark it on my phone so I can remember it later.

1. Crappy Pictures Blog
This is, in my humble opinion, the funniest blog on the website for parents. I literally can't read it while I'm holding sleeping Landon because I will laugh so hard I wake him up. It has happened. Hah!

2. Play at Home Mom
This mama has created sooo many fun learning activities to stimulate and engage her kiddos. Her playroom is awesome (I'm so jealous)!!

3. BookSaleFinder
I posted about buying kid books a while ago but I wanted to let you know that I have tried really  hard to never buy books retail. They are so expensive. This site lists big sales that your local library will be having. I went to the one in our city a couple weeks ago and for $20 came home with three boxes of books! Some of them are brand new!

4. Little Miss Co-Op
I'm kind of new to the whole co-op idea but as far as I understand it, you join a co-op with another group of moms and one delegate approaches businesses about selling your group a mass amount of their product wholesale. You pay lower prices for stuff like diapers, cream, nursing necklaces, leggings, you name it! This has been the group I've been following so far..

5. Wholesome Baby Food
We have just started feeding rice cereal to Landon (to help with his horrible reflux, per the pediatrician's advice) and the whole idea of starting a baby on "real" food is completely intimidating to me. This site breaks down what your baby should be eating, how much of it and all other relevant info for feeding your kiddo.

Hope something here helps you! Happy Tuesday!! :)



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