Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sick Day

I woke up this morning with a terrible cold. I told Joe when he left for work at 5am that unfortunately with this job (being a stay at home mom) there are no sick days. And we don't have any family that live here to come help so I can stay in bed and drink hot tea and watch old movies in my pajamas. Actually, I will probably stay in my pajamas today. Hah!

I put this little man in a footed Christmas jumper since we will be staying in. I thought he looked cute :)

Let's hope for lots of naps today! Hah!

Happy Thursday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


BeckyJo606 said...

I hope you feel better! Being sick is no fun--but it's extra hard when you can't stay in bed all day! The picture of your son is so cute--I can't believe how much hair he has!! :)


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