Friday, February 25, 2011

21 Weeks!!!

Today I'm 21 weeks pregnant!!! 

How I'm feeling:
I've been feeling pretty great and my energy is starting to come back! I think I'm in nesting mode because I've been obsessing over cleaning the house and working on nursery details lately :)

About the baby:
The baby is about the size of a large banana! On Tuesday the sonogram tech said the approximate weight was 15oz.

Doctor Appointments:
We had our big sonogram and doctor appointment on Tuesday! Our tech checked the brain, spine, heart and other organs to make sure our little one was developing properly. She also said she knew the sex of the baby if we wanted to find out (it was so hard to say "no"!!!)

Current favorite foods: green grapes, lemonade, Arby's (what a combination!!?)
Current food aversions: still can't even bear to think about avocados or eggs but I did eat Mexican food for the first time since November recently.

My body:
I'm wondering if strangers can tell I'm pregnant (?) because I think I'm starting to show a little more. I also have been feeling little movements in the past week - which is my FAVORITE thing ever!!

The nursery:
Most of the furniture we ordered has come, we've started painting and we've ordered the bedding (from Big progress!!

Baby gear:
We still need to research strollers, car seats and all the important gear before we go register.

Happy Friday!!


Britt @ The Adventures of Josh and Britt said...

aww Congratulations! You are a beautiful pregnant momma! I couldn't stand eggs either when I was pregnant. So happy for you :)

{:miss v:} said...

Happy 21 weeks! You look so cute! I loved planning the nursery and figuring out what to put on the registry. This is such a fun time! Yay!

Unknown said...

You look SO great!!! And 21 weeks... you're over half way there :) so exciting!
I am SO impressed that you said "no" to the finding out of the sex. I would NEVER have been able to especially if they said they knew!! lol
I can't wait to see the finished product of the nursery :)

Anonymous said...

ARBY'S!?!?! Are you serious? YEA! :) you like Arby's again. :-D

yup, can definitely tell your pregnant! :)

Brittany Ann said...

You look great! Mexican food returned to me about the same time, too! It gets better, food-wise!

And yay for movement! It still thrills me, and I feel it a ton now!

Melissa G said...

You look beautiful as always!


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