Sunday, April 17, 2011

28 Weeks!!!

 I'm 28 weeks pregnant!!

How I'm feeling:
I feel great! A little bit of pregnancy insomnia, Braxton Hicks and tiredness.. but overall doing awesome! I'm also really excited because for the first time someone recognized I'm pregnant in public! A sweet lady *insisted* I go ahead of her in line in a restroom. Haha!

About the baby:
The baby is the size of a head of cabbage :) He/she moves around a lot, especially when I lay down at night. I feel kicks way high and way low all at the same time and sometimes he/she will roll slowly, which is the weirdest sensation!

Doctor Appointments:
We're going to the doctor every two weeks at this point. Basically, we check my urine, weight (fun times) and blood pressure and then we get to hear the heart beat (which totally makes the weight check worth it! Haha!)

Current favorite foods: Fruit and pickles :)

Current food aversions: still can't even bear to think about avocados or eggs. I divert my eyes when I see them at the grocery store.

My body:
I have officially gained 20 pounds. I'm trying not to focus much on the weight. The lady who does my pedicures assures me I'm not swollen at all (yay!) so that makes me feel better. After a meal I feel like a huge whale though.

The nursery:
We still need to decide on curtains and start decorating!!

Baby gear:
-We bought a few options for coming home outfits at Babies R'Us (one for each gender)
- I discovered our stroller doesn't fit through the doorways of our house (isn't that great?)

Happy Monday!!!


KSK said...

I couldn't even think about hummus!! You look great!! Isn't baby shopping fun? ...a little daunting.. but fun :)

Annie said...

You look ADORABLE! I can't even think about Thai or any sort of asian food, which used to be my favorite. I'm starting to plan our nursery and it totally keeps me up at night! Eeeek!


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